
Friday, March 15, 2013

Cardinals elect newest bishop of Rome, Pope Francis


VATICAN CITY -- Argentine Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio, 76, the leader of a large urban archdiocese in Latin America, was elected the 266th pope and took the name Francis.

He is the first pope in history to come from the Western Hemisphere and the first non-European to be elected in almost 1,300 ( 1300 years).

The Jesuit was also the first member of his order to be elected pope, and the first member of any religious order to be elected in nearly two centuries.

The election 13/3 March  2013 came on the second day of the conclave, on the conclave's fifth ballot. It was a surprisingly quick conclusion to a conclave that began with many plausible candidates and no clear favorite.

The new pope was chosen by at least two-thirds of the 115 cardinals from 48 countries, who cast their ballots in secret in the Sistine Chapel.

His election was announced in Latin from the balcony of St. Peter's Basilica, to a massive crowd under the rain in the square below and millions watching around the world.

White smoke poured from the Sistine Chapel chimney at 7:05 p.m., signaling that the cardinals had chosen a successor to retired Pope Benedict XVI. Two minutes later, the bells of St. Peter's Basilica began pealing continuously to confirm the election.

At 8:12, French Cardinal Jean-Louis Tauran, the senior cardinal in the order of deacons, appeared at the basilica balcony and read out in Latin: "I announce to you a great joy: We have a pope! The most eminent and most reverend lord, Lord Jorge Mario, Cardinal of the Holy Roman Church, Bergoglio, who has taken for himself the name Francis."

The crowd in the square responded with cheers, applause and the waving of rain-soaked national flags.

Ten minutes the later the new pope appeared. He sought prayers for Pope Benedict and spoke of the journey the church was about to begin.

"Now I would like to give my blessing. But first, I will ask a favor. Before the bishop blesses his people, he asks that you pray to the Lord to bless me, the prayer of the people for the blessing of their bishop. Let's pray for me in silence," he said.

Pope Francis:

Let's look at the name Pope Freancis picked St. Francis of Assisi.

How was St. Francis of Assisi did he have Petrus as a name.
St. Francis of Assisi was an Italian Catholic friar and preacher.
Born: November 26, 1182
baptized Giovanni, born Francesco di Pietro di

Pietro - Petrus - Peter
so Pope Francis Bishop of Rome - PETRUS ROMANUS

Pope Francis: Redefining his office, standing first among equals

 “You know the work of the conclave is to give a bishop to Rome,” said Francis I, the freshly elected pontiff with a little laugh, as he stood on the balcony in front of the faithful.

In just two days, Pope Francis seems to have stripped his office of the monarchical status nurtured by many of his predecessors. 
ROME—A slogan for the first 48 hours of Pope Francis’s reign could read something like this: Long live the Bishop of Rome.
In just two days, Pope Francis seems to have redefined his office, stripping it of the monarchical status nurtured by many of his predecessors.

From his election Wednesday evening, when he introduced himself to thousands in St. Peter’s Square as the Bishop of Rome, he has characterized himself as no more than the first among equals.
“He’s conducting a very important rebalancing of a culture that was verging on a personality cult,” Alberto Melloni, a professor of Catholic Church history, said in an interview.
The shift was kick-started by Benedict XVI, who shocked the Catholic world in February by becoming the first pope in 600 years to resign. The move immediately weakened the power of the office: if a pope can resign, maybe he can be pushed out, too. The radical step reminded everyone that a pope is a man and not “some demigod,” said Melloni, a leading church analyst with the University of Modena.

Cardinal John Onaiyekan, Archbishop of Abuja, Nigeria, suggests that too much is being made of the apparent shift. He notes that in Catholic doctrine, the way someone becomes pope is precisely by being Bishop of Rome.
“He may do away with a lot of the trappings (of the office) that are not really necessary,” he said in an interview. “But I know very well that he knows what a pope is and he will not do anything that will in any way reduce the figure of the pope.

“We should be getting used to a pope who is very free with the people,” he said. “That is refreshing for me, but there are other people who think the pope should be way up there and clearly separate from the rest of the world. It will be up to him.”

 Now let's look at the date's

Catholic Church, elected a new on Pope Francis 13 /3 March / 2013.
(He is 266th current pope.)

ch1the revelation from Jesus Christ, which God gave him to show his servants what must soon take place….
v3Blessed is the one who reads aloud the words of this prophecy, and blessed are those who hears it and take to heart what is written in it, because the time is near.

Ch 2 “To the angel of the church in Ephesus write:…
V13 I know where you live where Satan has his throne. Yet  your  remain true to my name. you did not renounce your faith in me, not even in the days of Antipas, my faithful witness, who was put to death in your city – where Satan lives.

Ch3 “To the angel of the church in Sardis write:…..
V13 Who-ever has ears, let them hear what the Spirit says to the churches.

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