
Sunday, March 31, 2013

Post-Birth Abortion & Abortion.

The Silent Scream (Full Length)

  The Devil's Mousetrap (Abortion)

13 03 2013 

Pro-Life Grandma Violently Attacked During Botched Abortion Incident at Planned Parenthood.
30 03 2013
Planned Parenthood Action Fund Proud to Endorse President Obama.

 31 03 2012 

Australia Justify Infanticide in Major Medical Journal.



10 04 2012 
Planned Parenthood Gender Abortion Assistance.
Live Action released a new undercover video showing a Planned Parenthood abortion clinic in Austin, TX encouraging a woman to obtain a late-term abortion because she was purportedly carrying a girl and wanted to have a boy.

08 08 2012
President Obama's Full Remarks in Denver, Colorado - with Sandra Fluke Introduction.

16 12 2011
Michele Bachmann, Newt Gingrich on Partial Birth Abortion, Planned Parenthood.

26 02 2010

Planned Parenthood Abby Johnson: I saw the baby fighting for its life! 

Obama Live Birth Abortion Induced Labor Abortions 2008.

10 09 2008

Gianna Jessen Abortion Survivor in Australia Part 1 

Gianna Jessen Abortion Survivor in Australia Part 2


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