
Monday, January 13, 2014

NEWS 2013

 Extreme weather events of 2012
 which many people are calling the new normal.

Signs Of Change The Past Week Or So Until January 8 2013. 
- Published on Jan 8, 2013
By  HawkkeyDavisChannel

Signs Of Change The Past Week Or So Until Jan. 15th, 2013.
- Published on Jan 15, 2013

Signs Of Change The Past Week Or So Until Jan. 29th 2013.
- Published on Jan 29, 2013
By  HawkkeyDavisChannel

Dramatic video: Giant sinkhole swallows house in China. 

Signs Of Change The Past Week Or So Feb 2013 Part 1. 
- Published on Feb 5, 2013
By  HawkkeyDavisChannel

Signs Of Change The Past Week Or So Feb. 2013 part 2. 
- Published on Feb 12, 2013
By  HawkkeyDavisChannel

Huge Meteor Explodes Over Cape Town South Africa.

Meteorite explosion in Japan.
Meteorite over Coba.

Meteors race across the North California sky.
Meteorite Hits Russia. 
Fireball was seen streaking across  San Francisco.
16/2/ 2013

A fireball was also reported in United States. witnesses reported a fireball of some sort was seen streaking across the Bay Area skies, San Francisco. The fireball was seen around 12:45 UTC, on February 16, 2013.

Meteor was seen in Melton, Victoria, Australia.16/2/2013.
Meteor was seen in Melton, Victoria, Australia. Between 11pm and 12am on February 16, 2013. Approximate direction from E by NE to W by SW. Looked like clump of 4 stars at the head with a clearly visible tail. Occupied up to third of the field of vision of the two observers and lasted multiple seconds in view. Enough time to talk to each other about it as it was passing.

Meteorite moving fast over England. 
 17 02 2013

Meteor Fireball Spotted In Saudi Arabia. 
 17/2/ 2013
 Meteor Over Cuba.
 17/2/ 2013

 Meteor Fireballs Light Up Florida Sky. 
18/2/ 2013

Signs Of Change The Past Week Or So Feb. 2013 Part 3. 
- Published on Feb 19, 2013
By  HawkkeyDavisChannel

The crucifixion of Christians in Egypt.
Current news reports from Egypt describe the crucifixions of Christians that are presently taking place in a similar manner the be-headings of Christians by President Mohammed Morsi.

Signs Of Change The Past Week Or So Feb. 2013 Part 4.
- Published on Feb 26, 2013
By  HawkkeyDavisChannel

MARCH 2013. 
Man Swallowed Alive By Sink Hole In Florida Home.1/03/2013

Plague of locusts hits Egypt.
Swarm comprised of some 30 million insects descends on Cairo and agricultural farms in Gaza.

Plague of Locusts Hits California Town.
 Brian and Deborah Campbell’s backyard has been hit by a plague straight out of the Bible. Locusts, thousands of them, are eating through their commercial garden, destroying crops and leaving the once-thriving area nearly completely barren.

Apocalyptic! GIANT RAT PLAGUE25 000 000 Swarm IRAN Capital TEHRAN.
 Signs Of Change The Past Week Or So March 2013 Part 1.
 - Published on Mar 5, 2013
By  HawkkeyDavisChannel
 No White House tours? Visit the Capitol instead, U.S. Rep. Leonard Lance says.
 A northwestern New Jersey congressman says he is working to get White House tours reinstated, after the U.S. Secret Service and National Park Service announced they will be canceled beginning Saturday due to automatic budget cuts.
Temple Mount closed.
JERUSALEM (JTA) -- Jerusalem Police closed the Temple Mount Plaza after a group of Muslim women confronted Jewish women there.
Signs Of Change The Past Week Or So March 2013  Part 2.
- Published on Mar 12, 2013
By  HawkkeyDavisChannel

U.S.A On The Brink Of Civil War.12/03/2013
What has the world become today, is the question we may now ask ourselves. Whoever thought, there would come a day, when congressional officers will be shot.

The rise of the new Holy Roman Empire? EU technocrats plot to create powerful EU president.


EUROPE - Senior Eurocrats are secretly plotting to create a super-powerful EU president. And there is  to create of combining universal principles of all faiths - a goal to create a singular religion for which there will be one leader or "New pope".


 2,800 Dead Pigs China Floating In Shanghai River.


A surge of dead pigs upstream from Shanghai - with more than 2,800 carcasses floating into the financial hub through Monday - has followed a police campaign to curb the illicit trade in sick pig parts.


In Pakistan after Muslim mob burns Christian homes.12/3/2013
Hundreds clash in Lahore, Pakistan after a Muslim mob burned the homes of Christians in retaliation for alleged insults against the Prophet Muhammad. Angry Christians took to the streets and fought with police, who were criticized for not doing enough to stop the Muslim mobs.


 Barefoot Man Prays At Vatican City!! Signs Of The Times? 


But not the barefoot in the hooded burlap robe he was chatting with as he had some interesting things to say, a prophecy, even. Yes, about the end times.
"Now times are very difficult for the church," he said, when I asked the question that is nearly ubiquitous in Rome at the moment – who would he like to see elected pope – he skipped names and went straight to end times. "When Christians speak of eternity  of paradise  and even of hell in a world the world doesn't like it.

Cardinals elect newest bishop of Rome, Pope Francis.

VATICAN CITY -- Argentine Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio, 76, the leader of a large urban archdiocese in Latin America, was elected the 266th pope and took the name Francis.

Statement from the President Obama on His Holiness Pope Francis.
On behalf of the American people, Michelle and I offer our warm wishes to His Holiness Pope Francis as he ascends to the Chair of Saint Peter and begins his papacy.

Pope of the Americas.
Francis, the first New World Pope, faces some old and vexing problems. He must confront headlines reminding him of the church’s failures in dealing with the scandal of priestly sexual abuse. He must reform the Vatican’s finances by way of a bureaucracy that originated in medieval times and is burdened by aristocratic privilege and the Machiavellian instincts of feudal Italy. He must respond to the opposing demands of a divided flock—with many Catholics in North America and Europe asking for more-liberal interpretations of doctrine even as many in the burgeoning mission fields of Africa and Asia warm to the conservative comforts of the faith. Unlike some of the cataclysmic challenges in the church’s past, these problems are internal—but as such, they are more difficult to resolve.


Pope Francis has good record with other faiths.
Pope Francis addresses a private audience with members of the media at the Paul VI hall at the Vatican on Saturday. The pope called for "a poor Church for the poor," saying he chose his papal name because St Francis of Assisi was "a man of poverty and a man of peace.


Newcastle couple wakes to find sinkhole in yard.



Madagascar "Plague Locusts Of Biblical Proportions" 19/03/2013


Signs Of Change The Past Week Or So March 2013 Part 3.

Published on 19/03/2013

Shaking And Booming In South Jersey.
Published on 19/03/2013

New Jersey Shaking Caught On Video March 20th, 2013.
Published on 20/03/2013

Pope's Address to Representatives of the Churches, Ecclesial Communities and Other Religions.
Here is the translation of the address given today by Pope Francis, when he received in audience the fraternal delegates of churches, ecclesial communities and international ecumenical bodies, representatives of the Jewish people and of non-Christian religions, gathered in Rome for the celebration of the official start of his ministry as Bishop of Rome.

The Holy Father delivered his address after His Holiness Bartholomew I, Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople, greeted him.


Barack Obama in Israel: 'the Beast' limo breaks down.

The armoured Cadillac limousine of US President Barack Obama drives to Jerusalem upon his arrival on March 20, 2013
The Telegraph newspaper in the UK reports the heavily armoured limo dubbed ‘The Beast’ spluttered to a halt on a highway on the way from Ben Gurion Airport in Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.
A Secret Service official said the cause of the breakdown was still unknown, and the driver of the tow truck called to rescue the president’s Cadillac was also unable to confirm if the use of incorrect fuel was to blame.

Pope urges dialogue with Islam, more help for the poor.
Francis made his appeal in an address to diplomats accredited to the Vatican, sending a message through them to the leaders of the 180 states with which the Vatican has diplomatic relations.
He urged them to help keep religion central in public life and promote inter-religious dialogue as a catalyst for efforts to build peace.

The Best Of Ufos Weekly March 2013 Part 3. 
Published on 23/03/2013

Signs Of Change The Past Week Or So March 2013 Part 4.
Published on 26/03/2013

1000+ dead ducks in Chinese River. 

Sinkhole swallows security guard in Shenzhen, China.28/03/2013
A security guard in China disappears into a sinkhole which opens up underneath him. People tried to reach the man but he died soon after the accident.

Pope Francis new coat of arms.28/03/2013
 The five-pointed star has been replaced with an eight-pointed star, while the spikenard flower has now been made to look more like a flower rather than a bunch of grapes, as it did in its original form. The Vatican published the new coat of arms on its website on March 27.

 Pope Francis washes prisoners' feet on Monday Thursday.
Pope Francis has washed the feet of prisoners in a youth detention centre near Rome as part of the Maundy Thursday service.
The Christian ritual takes place on the Thursday before Easter to commemorate Christ's Last Supper.
Thousands of pilgrims and tourists are arriving in Rome to attend ceremonies during the holy week ahead of Easter.

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