
Tuesday, January 28, 2014

World News January 01 2011

Losing Religion.
January 1, 2011
when Americans wake up in the morning, religion is not at the top of the list of things to think about. That's according to a recent poll. And as Press TV's Colin Campbell reports, it may be that Americans are changing their priorities.

Earth's Axis Has Shifted.

January 1, 2011

The Earth's Axis Has Shifted. 

This has created severe changes in our global weather, seismic & volcanic activity.

And it will get much worse.

An axial shift is a difficult concept for most people to wrap their minds around. One too many disaster movies and most people, including a lot of scientists, believe such a dramatic shift in the angle of the tilt would be accompanied by Global destruction and disasters. world scientists have estimated total polar meltdown by 2020. This date also coincides with the US Gov't estimate that there will be a global water shortage in 2020.
Since a full meltdown will raise sea levels by 297 ft (20 stories), a lot of water tables and water sources will be contaminated. Not only by sea water, but by the contamination which will mix with the water as it covers the cities, factories and chemical plants. So, it is interesting that both have fixated on the same year.
Some scientists believe the meltdown could occur 5 years sooner. From what I have seen of the current condition of the polar regions and the rate of melting, I believe we could see a total meltdown by 2013. The first week of July 2008, CNN reported that world scientists expected a complete melting of the arctic by Sept 2008. Right now, the gov't is limiting access to current satellite imagery of the polar regions. Most of the images are dated 1999 and earlier. For those images later than 1999, they have all been censored or modified to block the view. Why would the images be kept from the public... unless there is something they don't want you to see.
Unfortunately, most people will be in denial until the water starts lapping at their doorstep... and then they will all cry for someone else to do something about it. People are their own worst enemies. They refuse to listen to scientific data, attack anyone who does not share their opinion and then they want everyone else to fix their problems that they had refused to acknowledge.
And when they get desperate, these will be the people who will prey on and victimize those who planned ahead. It would seem to me that everyone should start planning ahead to take care of their own needs and stop attacking those people who are trying to help them understand what is happening to our planet. After looking at the Global weather disasters, you will wonder why you never heard about most of these on the news. But it will become clear that the public has not been told about a lot of things.
Take a look at the weather patterns and see if it does not substantiate a significant change in weather conditions has been taking place which supports the axis shift scenario. An increase in the axial tilt would cause hotter than normal summers and colder than normal winters. (heat waves in the NE and NW US).
Accelerated melting of polar ice caps would cause higher humidity and increased levels of precipitation: heavy rains, floods, larger hail, increased snow, blizzards and increased fog.

Animal Death.

January 1, 2011 

Animal Death.

It started with the death of 3,000 black birds in Arkansal.
That same day, between 80,000 and 100,000 fish were found dead about 125 miles away from the birds.
January 1, 2011 - More than 3,000 red-winged blackbirds mysteriously tumbled dead from the Arkansal sky on New Year's Eve. A report- released by the Arkansal livestock and poultry Commission-suggest the birds died of trauma of unknown cause.
 The same day, between 80,000 and 100,000 fish were found dead about 125 miles away from the dead birds. 
January 1, 2011 - In Vietnam a report was released that 7,000 buffaloes and cows just dropped dead. The animal experts are baffled.
January 1, 2011- A report of 200 cows died in Wisconsin U.S.A

This was foretold in the HOLY BIBLE.

New country is born.

January 1, 2011

A new country is born in Africa South Sudan.
Israel to recognize South Sudan as
 independent state.
 January 1, 2011 - The BBC’s Will Ross describes the celebrations in the capital Juba.

South Sudan has become the world’s newest nation, the climax of a process made possible by the 2005 peace deal that ended a long and bloody civil war.

Sudan’s President Omar al-Bashir and UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon are among international dignitaries attending celebrations in the capital, Juba.
Sudan earlier became the first state to officially recognise its new neighbour.
The South’s independence follows decades of conflict with the north in which some 1.5 million people died.
Celebrations in Juba began at midnight (2100 GMT). A countdown clock in the city centre reached zero and the new national anthem was played on television.
South Sudan became the 193rd country recognised by the UN and the 54th UN member state in Africa.

The independence of their nation was foretold in the Bible more than 2,000 years ago.
Southern Sudan believes the independence of their nation was foretold in the Bible more than 2,000 years ago. Isaiah 18 is one of several passages that refer to the land of Cush, which describes the people as tall and smooth-skinned and the land as divided by rivers.
" said Ngor Kur Mayol, we were suffering in for so many years and how that same suffering, we're going to end it today.“
"There's no doubt that Isaiah 18 really is speaking about the people of the upper Nile," she said. "It really is speaking about the Sudanese people.
"The Bible says when they will raise their flag on the mountain, the whole world will see."
The eyes of the world are now on southern Sudan, Paleak said.
Isaiah 18 concludes with a passage Paleak said predicts the end of rule by the Muslim north.
"'They will bring their gifts to the mountain of Zion,' which means we will be free to praise God in our own way in our own land."
He sees the suffering of the south Sudanese during the civil war that left 2 million dead and the displacement of the many who fled the war as part of a divine plan described.
"It says God will send enemies to chastise us so we can repent of our sins and come back to God," he said. "So that's why all this is happening."
Deng said the war was responsible for his own salvation.
"When I was a teenager, because of the war, I came to the northern part of Sudan. That's when I met the Lord and got saved. If not for the war ... I would have died in paganism."
For Pastor Martin Drani, of the interdenominational Sudanese Community Church in Nashville, there is no doubt that God is the true force behind the referendum.
"This is a prophecy, and if you believe the Bible then every prophecy must come to pass," Drani said.
"The Israelites, there also was a prophecy about them and it was fulfilled."
Isaiah 18 contains an interesting prophecy that the present day people of South Sudan, and many bible prophecy experts feel has just been fulfilled.
The prophecy tells of a future pruning of a nation divided by rivers. The Prophecy names this nation as Cush, Cush was comprised of the present day nations of Ethiopia and Sudan, with the Nile river running right through the middle. (In fact the Nile river branches into the White Nile and Blue Nile in present day Sudan).The prophecy indicates that a new banner will be raised after a major pruning and then gifts will be brought from this new land to the land of Zion, (Israel).
Well coincidentally, (or not), Sudan has now split in two, (pruned), with a mostly Muslim north and a Christian South. A new national flag, (banner), will be raised in South Sudan who will be recognized by Israel in short order as an independent nation. One suspects South Sudan will quickly become a close friend and ally of Israel.
This is an absolutely amazing fulfillment of bible prophecy and yet again shows that we are indeed living in the last part of the last days.
All you people of the world, you who live on the earth, when a banner is raised on the mountains, you will see it, and when a trumpet sounds, you will hear it. Isaiah 18:3 NIV
At that time gifts will be brought to the LORD Almighty from a people tall and smooth-skinned,
from a people feared far and wide, an aggressive nation of strange speech, whose land is divided by rivers— the gifts will be brought to Mount Zion, the place of the Name of the LORD Almighty. Isaiah 18:7 NIV.

Polar shift of the Moon.

January 1, 2011

Moon looked larger and egg shaped.

January 1, 2011 - People around the world reported that the moon looked “larger and egg shaped”. We photographed the moon in it’s many phases from January until August and found something so incredible that is not being reported!

This does not appear to be right to me. So what has happened?. I wonder why the public isn't being told about this.


Is this the start of the

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